Plenty of blue-collared jobs focus more on manual labor. The wages are often hourly, but some may be paid per project or have a salary from a company. These positions include:
White-collar jobs include in clerical, administrative, and management roles.
You can find white-collar jobs in any industry. Some examples include:
Because of the gender norms this category implies, not many people choose to recognize this position anymore. However, it’s hard to deny that this category doesn’t exist in the workforce when some employers are specifically looking for women to fill these job positions.
Government workers from all sectors. The term was coined based on the red ink used to budget out the salaries of everyone under the government.
Workers involved in companies focused on environmental or sustainable living development. These can range from nuclear engineers, environmental consultants, employees working for solar energy companies, plumbers and electricians who specialize in green solutions, and business owners who focus on going green
A step beneath blue-collared workers, black-collared workers are either worker who work in dirty manual labor settings (such as oil mining, Coal Mining, Under Earth, sanitation, waste processing)
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