Console Group Outdoor Advertising

A Leading Outdoor Advertising Company in Pune, India specializing in engaging and delivering valuable audiences for advertisers.

Console Group Outdoor Advertising is Pune based Out of Home (OOH) and Outdoor Advertising Company. Console Group is separate Division for Outdoor Advertising is led by Cloud console Media.

  • Cost Effective
  • Visible 24/7
  • Premium Locations
  • Maximum Reach

Hoarding Ads – Outdoor Advertising is The Ideal Medium to Reach a Target Audience

  • Targets the mass volume market
  • Reinforces the availability of the brand and builds brand loyalty for product & Company.
  • Is highly visible and facilitates immediate notice and Recall Brand awareness.
  • Brand or service can be strategically showcased immediately.
  • Compels attention & stimulates recall. Can build brand stature with size & boldness.

Our Services

In addition to hoardings, Console Group Outdoor Advertising is into relevant innovative media such as Floats, Bus Shelters, Gantries, Kiosks etc. Our hoardings offer larger area square foot wise and are proven to be smarter and cost efficient, comparatively.

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What do they think after My Hoarding

“Cloud Console Team are highly efficient and result oriented People. Impressed by their dedication toward client concern.”

“Console Group has come to our rescue time and again with gorgeous work and fabulous attitudes. Console Group and her team are incredibly responsive and mobilized their extensive connections within the community to get our nonprofit the best printing deal in town..”

“Console Group rates are competitive in the market for digital advertising needs. We would recommend Console Group Outdoor to anyone! They are wonderful to work with and great at their jobs.”